Deuxième seau UltraSpeed Pro
Faster, cleaner, easier
The UltraSpeed Pro second bucket fits onto the back of the chassis and is the easy way to convert from a single to a double bucket system.
When used as part of a double bucket cleaning process the bucket can fit either side of the main bucket allowing the press to be mounted either in the middle of the buckets or at the back of the system. The unique front and back profile ensuring no water drips between the buckets in either configuration.
Alternatively If you want to fulfil more cleaning tasks you can use the second bucket to carry chemicals, cloths, paper etc. The easy to remove design makes it ideal for carrying these items into washrooms or other areas to speed up the cleaning process.
Avantages du produit
- Utilisation unique, double face
- Pré-blanchi, sac simple et lot # contrôlé * 4 couches de construction
- Excellente performance de nettoyage
- Glissement facile et faible perte de particules
- Absorption élevée
- Réduction des bactéries prouvées de 99,99 %
- Idéal pour les techniques de pré-préparation et de traction et de levage
- Pour une utilisation avec le nettoyant CE Softwall™ et le ce tank cleaner™
Description | Format (liters) | Réf. carton TSU | Emb./carton | Réf. Emb. BCU | Pces/Emb. |
UltraSpeed Pro bucket 25 L | 25 L | 508243 | 1 | 114002 | 1 |